Simple rules for Complex Systems?
Dear Reader, I had met my thesis supervising professor today. He is professor for operations research and scientific management and he supervises and helps me with my thesis about inner city routing of fire trucks with real time traffic information. (My childhood dreams come true! Now I am playing with real fire trucks ;-) We talked about the structure of my thesis and the general problem of fast feedback systems (traffic systems, financial markets) versus slow feedback systems (behaviour of tankers and cargo ships). Slow feedback systems could be modelled stochastically. New information is perceived (a boat will cross the route), the probabilities of scenarios will be adjusted (evasion of the boat, no route change, ...) and than the problem is optimized with the optimal solution as output. In fast feedback systems new information arrives faster than the solution of the optimization is calculated. I would say, "Hey, I have money, lets buy some more computers!". Bu I am w...