Portfolio Review 2011-2015
Dear reader, in this article I discuss my investment results from 2011 to 2015. At the end of this article is a table appended showing my past and current positions of my portfolio. Table Legend The yellow area visualizes my (past) holdings with current market prices. The green area represents my sold position. "Avg Days" represents the number of days the position is holded. "Abs Perf" is the absolute performance of that position. "Weight Perf" is the absolute contribution of that position to my overall portfolio. "Perf p. a." is the annualized performance of that position. Interpretation I can not provide year on year data, which limits the interpretation of my personal track record. First because it was impossible for me as private investor to separate my private cash holdings (insurance against general life risk) from my portfolio cash holdings (ammunition for new opportunities). Second as I began value investing in 2011 I did not dep...